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So far, air cargo has recovered from the impact of the epidemic. According to IATA's monthly market report, the number of air freightable goods in January was only 19.5 percent lower than in 2019. ...
[Martin] sent this query to the reminder line along with the main photo, and he made a good point. Most development and evaluation boards have multiple rows of pins, which are usually loose in the ...
Apple's move to abandon the traditional audio jack has attracted a lot of attention. As for me, I hope I never have to plug in another headphone cord. It might be dancing happily on my enemy's grav...
Rare extreme heat and dry weather are showing the most dangerous side.
The first is Europe, adding the food crisis. The latest report by French agricultural consulting giant Strategie Grains expect...
Attention! Terminal Block Connectors People Noted!
On Dec 14th, the Chinese cargo ship "Xinqi Sheng 69" was collided by the Antigua and Barbuda container ship“OCEANA " in the north channel of the ...