Weekly hot information | CCTV Finance and Economics: China moves to stabilize international freight; more than 6100 empty containers arrive at Ningbo Zhoushan Port

CCTV Finance and Economics: China Stabilizes International Freight

Since last year, international shipping prices have continued to climb, the global shipping capacity is insufficient, freight rates have risen sharply, especially in the field of foreign trade logistics container "explosion ", freight rates and transport costs have risen sharply. This is not a good thing for global import and export trade, and for the current fight against the epidemic, to achieve global economic recovery. High international transport prices restrict the vitality and momentum of the global economic recovery, are not conducive to the stability of the global supply chain and the recovery of the global economy, and are not conducive to productive enterprises, import and export enterprises and consumers in general. As a global economic power, the world's largest manufacturing and import and export trading country, China's active intervention in international freight prices will help to create a strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive global economic environment coordinated with the macroeconomic policies of various countries. Recently, China's Ministry of Commerce, together with the Ministry of Communications and Transport, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the General Administration of Customs, has made frequent statements and joined forces to enhance maritime transport capacity, improve the efficiency of transport in China and Europe, and increase container supply. China is using visible hand-held international transport capacity to effectively stabilize and reduce international shipping and transport prices, help the international freight supply chain to function properly, and support the global fight against the epidemic and revive the economy. Screw Terminal Blocks,  CPU Connectors and Trailer Reflectors field should be noted

Over 6100 empty containers arrived at ZhoushanPort, Ningbo

A few days ago, Ningbo Meishan International Container Terminal No .6 berth, ushered in a special "goods "—— more than 6100 empty containers. This container carry empty containers, from Rotterdam, the Netherlands, to Ningbo Zhoushan Port. Local freight forwarders said in this situation, more than 6100 empty boxes are indeed a large number, for the shipping industry is a' timely rain'."

China export clearance time increased to 1.78 hours

The General Customs Administration released data showing, December 2020, The overall customs clearance time for national imports and exports is 34.91 hours ,1.78 hours, 1.82 hours and 0.95 hours respectively, Compared with 2017,64.2% and 85.5% respectively. 2020, Customs actively promote "advance declaration "," two-step declaration" and other business reforms, Customs clearance time significantly improved.
France closes borders with countries outside the EU

French Prime Minister Nicolas Caste announced that the French government has decided to close borders with countries outside the European Union to contain the new crown. Kasitai announced at a news conference that France will close the border with countries outside the European Union from 00:00 on the 31st, the relevant state personnel except for "emergency reasons ", no access to France. At the same time, all personnel entering France from EU countries must carry out new coronavirus nucleic acid testing, except cross-border workers.

Post time: Feb-19-2021