RMB market “incomprehensible”, yantian port ship delay, as little as possible overseas online shopping, etc. | foreign trade this week

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The yuan reappears the "incomprehensible" market

"Interest rate cut" as scheduled, the yuan did not fall under pressure as market expectations.On January 18, the highest onshore yuan against the dollar was 6.3381 since June 2018. On the same day, both the onshore and offshore yuan rates rose above 6.34, a new high in three-and-a-half years. Bicycle front reflector, pin and socket connectors and vga connector should be noted.

Since the second half of last year, both the RMB and the dollar have strengthened, stepping out of the independent market. " This seems incomprehensible, and it is more difficult to observe in the short term.

In the view of industry insiders, the reason why the recent RMB exchange rate is strong, and the end of the year at the strong demand for settlement is closely related."Even with a strong pullback expectation in the market, the yuan is likely to remain strong against the dollar in the first quarter.Because enterprises' strong willingness to settle foreign exchange before the Spring Festival has pushed up the demand for the RMB.”

On January 20, the central parity point of the yuan against the US dollar rose 139 basis points to 6.3485.

Ship delays in the Yantian Port area have intensified

On January 19, Yantian International Container Terminal Co., Ltd. announced that international liners have not improved, and could not return normally.In the past two weeks, ships coming to Yantian Port area were further delayed, and the shift rate dropped significantly to less than 20%. The average arrival time exceeded 170 hours, and the ships on European and American routes decreased by more than 40%.

Recently, as the number of liners arriving at the port continues to fall sharply, resulting in a large number of export heavy boxes can not be loaded ship, the storage yard density of Yantian Port area is close to saturation.In order to avoid the further impact on the production in the port area and increase the surrounding traffic pressure, Yantian Port District has made adjustments for the export heavy box entry gate.From 0:00 on January 21, Yantian Port District will only receive ETB-4 days (i. e., within four days before the ship's expected berthing date).The reservation quota for the export heavy containers is kept unchanged at 12,000 per day.

Large-scale blockage of border ports with China

To alleviate the problem of border port vehicle stranded, Vietnam lang son province people's committee on January 12 suspended the port to accept fresh fruit and vegetable vehicles to the provinces and the people's committee of municipalities directly under the Central Government, since January 17 to 2022 ren Yin during the Spring Festival, lang son province border port will be suspended to accept transport of fresh fruits and vegetable exports to China.Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, only three land and railway ports, sesame and deng.

In addition, customs clearance at Jincheng (Laojie, Lao 2) and Beishan (China) has resumed in Yunnan Province on January 12,2022.However, the COVID-19 prevention work (COVID-19) in China is very strict, causing the lack of unloading workers and drivers, and reducing the customs clearance capacity at ports, with an average of 15-20 vehicles per day.At present, about 1,000 vehicles are stranded at Laojie Port waiting for customs clearance to China, making both the parking lot and inventory warehouse at the port in a load state.

From 0:00 PM on January 18,2022, Laojie has suspended receiving vehicles from across the country carrying fresh fruits and vegetables and other goods exported to China at the Jincheng (Laojie) -Beishan (China) International port through Highway No.2.
Vietnam dropped its VAT level on February 1

Vietnam will reduce the VAT of multiple products from February 1, from 10% to 8%, the lower VAT rate will not apply to telecommunications, IT, financial activities, banking, securities, insurance, real estate, coke, prefabricated metal and metal products, mining (excluding coal), coke, refined oil, chemical and chemical products, as well as goods tax services.


We will suspend cross-border e-commerce VAT

Cambodia's State Bureau of Taxation has issued a notice delaying the enforcement date of the VAT decree on e-commerce until March 31 to give foreign e-commerce enough time for tax registration.The notice said: " From April 1, all foreign e-commerce companies must pay VAT to the Tax bureau of Cambodia in accordance with the law.”

China-AEO mutual recognition of Uruguay Customs will be formally implemented

The General Administration of Customs announced on January 18 that the mutual recognition of "certified operators" (AEO) on January 26.During import and export goods, customs provide AEO enterprises: apply low document audit rate; reduce inspection rate of import and export goods; give priority inspection for goods requiring actual inspection; appoint customs liaison to communicate with problems encountered by AEO enterprises; give priority after international trade interruption due to increased security level, border closure, natural disasters, dangerous emergencies or other major accidents.

Most of the new coronavirus restrictions will be lifted

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the Omicjon variant is likely to peak in the UK and next week will lift Plan B, which was launched last month.They include not forcing people to wear masks, work from home and use vaccine passes, but still travel on London public transport.


The State Post Office requires international express delivery disinfection piece by piece

Recently, Beijing and Shenzhen announced the source of the police cases, both pointing to "international express delivery", saying that the possibility of infection by imported goods can not be ruled out, and the potential risk of virus transmission of international express delivery has attracted widespread attention.

On January 16, the Department of State Post Bureau recently issued a notice, requiring enterprises to do a good job of disinfection, ventilation of the international mail express, after entering the production and processing process.

Recently, it is suggested that we should reduce overseas online shopping and reduce mail order and express goods from countries and regions at high risk of the epidemic abroad.A number of Shenzhen netizens have said that their health code has turned yellow after buying or receiving overseas online shopping delivery.Epidemic prevention staff told them that it was at risk of turning yellow code because of cross-border express delivery and needed to conduct timely nucleic acid tests.The response of the Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission said that overseas express delivery will send the health code yellow and need to go to the community for nucleic acid testing according to the epidemic prevention requirements.

If you have recently received overseas online shopping goods, I suggest:

Can not contact the handover without contact with the handover;

If you want to handover face to face, be sure to protect yourself, remember to wear a mask and disposable gloves;

When dismantling parts as far as possible outdoors, to avoid in the closed space, if take home, to use disinfectant or alcohol for a comprehensive elimination;

After the treatment, take off your gloves, change your masks, wash your hands and disinfect them.

Post time: Jan-25-2022