In order to thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council, and make every effort to promote the stability and quality of foreign trade, Ningbo Customs has studied and formulated the following 20 measures according to the policies already issued by the General Administration of Customs and the actual situation of Ningbo port.

 In order to thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council, and make every effort to promote the stability and quality of foreign trade, Ningbo Customs has studied and formulated the following 20 measures according to the policies already issued by the General Administration of Customs and the actual situation of Ningbo port. Board To Board Connectors, Barrier Terminal Blocks and Pedestrian Safety Reflectors should be noted.

1. Ensure the smooth circulation of industrial chains and supply chains in key regions

We will actively implement the pilot work of expanding the integrated control and inspection mode of high-tech goods such as vacuum packaging, focusing on the production needs of high-tech enterprises such as integrated circuit and biomedicine under the jurisdiction, and provide good policy guidance.
2. Accelerate the customs clearance of goods urgently needed by enterprises

The "green channel" has been opened to provide urgent customs clearance services for enterprises to import raw materials, parts and complete machine equipment, and implement the "724" -hour customs clearance. We will further advance trials to promote direct loading of imported cargo and direct loading of export goods across Hong Kong. The implementation of machine inspection "daily online", effectively improve the efficiency of goods customs clearance.
3. Deepen the reform of customs clearance business

We will further promote the "two-step declaration" customs clearance model, further optimize the customs clearance procedures, and simplify the requirements for the declaration of imported goods in advance. We will continue to promote the "two-step declaration" and "early declaration" model, give full play to the traction of business reform, and release the dividends of facilitation measures.
4, improve the efficiency of inbound and outbound logistics

Actively promote the pilot project of "departure confirmation" of water transfer, support port enterprises to flexibly operate the internal feeder container liner, improve the efficiency of branch transportation, and help to build a water and water transportation pattern of "one body, two wings and multiple links" in the province.
5. Ensure smooth inbound and outbound postal routes

Actively support the mail direct air flights, exit new mail road, strive to resolve cross-border mail logistics obstruction, promote the backlog of shipment, guarantee Ningbo to the United States, Japan, Europe direction temporary mail road, establish and improve the cross-customs area mail regulatory cooperation mechanism, explore to build "sea, air, iron" multi-dimensional mail link.
6. Improve the fast track of COVID-19 vaccine reagents

A "green channel" for quarantine approval of outbound COVID-19 vaccine has been established, and a "5 + 2" all-weather working system shall have been implemented. For application materials with complete and legal forms, quarantine approval shall be completed within 24 hours, document review and on-site inspection shall be completed within 24 hours, and port inspection and release supervision shall be completed within 24 hours. We will optimize the exit health and quarantine approval process for COVID-19 testing reagents, improve the approval efficiency, implement automatic export verification verification, and help further expand the export of COVID-19 testing reagents.
7. Actively implemented measures to cut taxes and fees

Increase RCEP research and data analysis, and carry out targeted guidance for enterprise problems. Set up special RCEP special Windows at each customs clearance site to provide consulting services for enterprises. Comprehensively promote the "intelligent audit" of the certificate of origin, promote the intelligence, standardization and standardization of the certificate of origin visa, and expand the scope of RCEP self-service printing with the "run at most once" service terminal in Ningbo. We will actively publicize the RCEP rules of origin and tariff reduction policies.
8. Accelerate the filing of export food production enterprises

In combination with the actual filing work of export food production enterprises, the filing time limit for export food production enterprises will be further compressed.
9. Improve the efficiency of customs clearance for import and export food

We will do a good job in assessing food access from CEE countries to China and help access quality food quarantine. We will speed up the quarantine and approval of imported meat and aquatic products, and review and approve those that meet the requirements. We will set up a green channel for the local inspection of the import and export of fresh and perishable agricultural and food products, and give priority to the import and export of fresh and perishable food, such as chilled fresh meat and aquatic products and the "5 + 2" appointment inspection. We will strengthen egg supervision services and business guidance for food for Hong Kong and Macao, give priority to the inspection and rapid release of food for Hong Kong and Macao, and ensure "zero waiting" and "zero retention" of fresh products.
10. Promote the quarantine and access of high-quality agricultural and food products, and support the introduction of excellent animal and plant germplasm resources

We will accelerate the risk assessment of the access of relevant agricultural products from CEE countries to China and accelerate the access process. We will make every effort to expand the import of breeding cattle, seeds and seedlings, optimize the product supervision process, and reduce the quarantine approval time for imported breeding cattle.
11. Optimize the requirements and models of the inspection and supervision of imported commodities

We will continue to implement the supervision mode of "release before inspection" of imported some mineral products and crude oil, implement the weight appraisal of imported bulk resource commodities and the quality inspection of imported iron ore items "according to the application of enterprises", and collect the third-party inspection and testing results of imported motor vehicles.
12. Optimize the requirements and modes of the inspection and supervision of imported commodities

Extend the quarantine working time, compress the test cycle, and test samples by special personnel to the laboratory in the first time. To improve the testing capacity, we will support the Zhoushan Port of Ningbo to build a new COVID-19 nucleic acid testing laboratory in Beilun District, and carry out nucleic acid testing for crew samples nearby.
13. Support small, medium and micro enterprises to carry out market procurement trade

Further strengthen the cooperation with the local customs in charge of market procurement business, implement the paperless and automatic verification of export customs transfer operations, and improve the efficiency of customs clearance of customs goods transferred.
14. Promote paperless customs clearance of import tariff quotas

We will actively promote the paperless customs clearance of import tariff quotas, and take the lead in promoting the implementation and comprehensive promotion of the "tariff quota online verification system" in customs areas.
15. Promote the development of cross-border e-commerce import and export business

We will increase our support for and encourage traditional foreign trade enterprises to apply cross-border e-commerce to special regional export overseas warehouses (9610,9710,9810,1210) business to transform cross-border e-commerce. We will continue to implement cross-border e-commerce supervision and facilitation measures, optimize the supervision process of cross-border e-commerce retail import and return areas, and improve the circulation efficiency of returned parcels.
16. Serving commodity imports from CEE countries

The role of the three platforms of distribution, early warning, monitoring and interactive exchanges, and the application of import customs clearance of CEE goods, so as to meet the reality of import enterprises from CEE countries, use numbers to promote efficient coordination and help expand imports from CEE countries.
17. Strengthen the cultivation of enterprise credit

We will increase the cultivation and support of key import and export enterprises, cultivate a number of benchmark enterprises with standardized management, compliance operation, industry leading, advanced technology and with impetus and influence, and continue to increase the number of senior customs certification enterprises.
18. Strengthening statistical monitoring, analysis and data services

We will track and monitor the dynamics of global and national trade in goods and the changes in the scale and flow direction of important commodities, and actively carry out the import and export data analysis and enterprise research of local private enterprises, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and specialized, special and new enterprises, so as to provide decision support and data support for ensuring the stability and quality of foreign trade. We will release and interpret local import and export data regularly to provide strong expected guidance for maintaining the stability and quality of foreign trade. Actively promote the customs statistics online inquiry system, and constantly improve the efficiency of statistical services for the public.
19. Help enterprises to ease their difficulties

Pay close attention to the changes of port business, give full play to the role of "direct problem reporting point", rely on the long-term mechanism of "problem clearing zero", smooth the channels of collecting, sorting out, disposal and feedback of problems, and solve the practical difficulties of enterprises in customs clearance.
20. Smooth the interactive channels between enterprises

Strengthen the management of 12360 hotline, keep close contact with relevant industry associations and chambers of commerce, guide enterprises to use the Ningbo customs portal, "Ningbo customs" and "12360-customs interactive platform" to understand the latest customs policies and measures, actively collect the hot, difficult and focus issues reflected by enterprises, and improve the enterprise feedback and coordination solution mechanism.


Post time: Sep-07-2022