Big News! Terminal Block Connectors People Noted!

Attention!  Terminal Block Connectors People Noted!

On Dec 14th, the Chinese cargo ship "Xinqi Sheng 69" was collided by the Antigua and Barbuda container ship“OCEANA " in the north channel of the Yangtze Estuary by the main engine, which caused the "Xinqi Sheng 69" wheel to sink.
"Xinqi Sheng 69" loaded with 650 containers, maybe includes Terminal Block Connectors, Safety Reflectors and Circular Connectors. There are 16 Chinese people crew in distress. The ship is currently no danger. Recent frequent maritime accidents, such as goods on the ONE APUS number of foreign trade people, even if their cabinets are safe and sound, it is possible to bear general average, in other words: the goods are fine, the owner also lose money!
For some foreign trade people who are not familiar with the terms of shipping, this is simply unreasonable, the cabinet is not pushed down the sea, why should I lose money?
There is something called "general average "(General Average, G/A or G.A.). The so-called general average refers to the special expenses incurred by ships, goods and other property in common danger during the same voyage at sea, and the special sacrifices caused by intentional and reasonable measures for the common safety (Article 193 of the Maritime Law of the people's Republic of China).
General average is a loss caused by common security, so it should be apportioned among the beneficiaries and not borne by the injured party alone.   General average is a system based on special risks at sea. It is of great significance to avoid the loss of ships and goods caused by typhoon, tsunami, grounding, reef contact, collision and so on.

There are lots of discussions about falling event in FOB Business Forum. Most people suggest traders buy insurance when they send the goods. It is very important to ensure their own benefits.


Post time: Dec-17-2020