20 pin ribbon cable

[Martin] sent this query to the reminder line along with the main photo, and he made a good point. Most development and evaluation boards have multiple rows of pins, which are usually loose in the package-soldering is left to the user. To be cautious, we usually design prototype boards with many headers for debugging and testing. But as [Martin] reminded us, there are other alternatives to welding.
If you need to insert the circuit board into another card (for example, insert a cap into a Raspberry Pi), these techniques will not help. However, when you just want to get some signals for the serial port or detect some digital I/O signals, putting some of these clips in the toolbox can save you the time and trouble of soldering joints. Do you have any tricks to make soldering headers easier, or even avoid them altogether? Please let us know in the comments below.
I don't think I have any pin header cables and always solder the wires directly into the holes where the pin headers should go.
I remember working on a circuit board with a crimp backplane connector a long time ago (also very reliable), so I quickly searched for a mouse, you can also get crimp connectors, for example Amphenol BPH7B10H00LF is 10-way 2 rows 0.1 inch pitch .
If anyone has a new standard low-cost way to connect to all the required IOs and signals on the evaluation board...I am willing to accept it. But now, for microcontrollers, the 0.1-inch connector is best for this tinkerer. Of course, if you don't use the hardware much (such as wifi or Ethernet boards), you don't need much. Maybe it's just a standardized connector or bus for I2C, etc.?
Yes, that's what I think...I like 0.1 inch titles. Super easy to solder, easy to place ic clip test leads. Large enough that you can see what you are doing, you can usually use Sharp or nail polish to mark the pins of interest on the board or on the plastic base. You can put them on the breadboard. Just use super convenient technology for my purposes.
The only reason I skip the title is if I need to put it in a small box at the end, in this case, I have good luck (ymmv) to use the ic clip lead directly on the through hole of the pcb. But in fact, when I do prototyping, I usually don’t care much about size, and if I end up using prototype electronics in the final box, I will definitely not cut the test line to save space.
Reasons: cost, space. 1) For commercial products, the cost of fittings and installing them add up. This makes your product unpopular compared to products that cost 10 cents less. 2) I have made a lot of designs, and the 0.1 inch connector for debugging/programming will take up more space (volume) than the rest of the circuit!
Although this may be true, there are basic skills related to hobbies...Electronics *always* is a hobby, even an occupation that requires certain skills, and the application of solder to circuits is The ability to make connections has always been at the forefront.
Now *already* there are things like winding and screw connector adapters to reduce or eliminate the need for soldering, but these are at the cost of space, and sometimes it is still necessary to solder or pay more for the choice of screw terminals. If this bothers you, I'm sorry, but this is a fact of life, and "different views" are usually not feasible if you don't weigh them in other ways. Perhaps the more "desirable" view is to realize that some people will not be able to do certain things without certain abilities.
I think I really don’t understand how painful it is to solder on the pin headers. I can cleanly complete the 40-pin row in less than 1 minute. Maybe it's because I do it often? I can see that this is useful for flickering things that are usually in low-key enclosures.
Sometimes testing and prototyping without solder is a good idea and more flexible. I just ordered a bunch of clothespin types on AliExpress. And you know that if you use the last title, that board will blow up.
This is my favorite method of soldering a 40-pin connector (a bonus point for the last "sponge must die" sequence). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9pd9sY0Tjg
Your friend Ralph’s way of doing things is very common. As others have said, 0.1-inch pitch heads are hard to beat. The 2mm (for now) is evil...
A perforated board will keep the pins aligned and in place during soldering. Especially if you use multiple headings in a row.
clever! If I were to solder the male header, I would mate it with the female header during soldering to keep the pins straight when heated.
This is a good habit for almost any type of connector. I use everything from headers to large XT90 power connectors. There is nothing worse than disposing of partially melted connectors for the rest of the device's life.
I really like the footprint of TagConnect, but I always feel that the cost is a bit high, so I created this design at a small part of the cost: https://hackaday.io/project/171391-tagless-programmer
> […] Cheap pogo pin clips. You can buy these products from your favorite Asian electronics distributor for less than $10.
Seriously, they are like 35 dollars. I understand, it is not 10 dollars, but it is a reusable tool. In addition, OG will be more reliable and supported. They will give you a footprint that they have properly reviewed.


Cheap pogo pins are clipped in the first picture and use the 0.1" pin spacing of the linear connector. They don't use a unique footprint or really need support. If you don't have the space for a 0.1" connector, TagConnect can be useful.
It seems that there are very few designs on how to connect to the header pads, but if we assume that we never actually solder the headers, but always use pogo pins, etc., what is a good design for "connector pads"? Maybe it is a toothed shape, which still allows the module to be soldered to the carrier board, etc.?
To my surprise, some people object to using it for some crazy reasons, including all the "extra" effort to lay out the circuit board using this design (choose one footprint instead of another), which makes me feel strangeness. A member of a popular forum argued about his stupidity for these footprint rats, and he was banned for a month. Bless his heart
Yes, I can solder standard 0.1 inch connectors, but it is much easier to use lock footprints. I seem to remember my boss advocating to work smarter instead of harder.
This is a good idea, and the pins may touch-all these pins-so you can put a quick connector into programming or debugging and then remove it without soldering.
I just bought a PCBite kit for probing test points as an alternative to soldering flying leads to each circuit board. It is essentially a set of pogo pins on a gooseneck. They are not cheap, and the probe handles are very large, which makes it difficult to detect signals that are close together, but otherwise it is really useful. It also looks very fancy!
For a project containing dozens of prototype boards, I am very satisfied with http://protofusion.org/wordpress/2013/05/open-hardware-pogo-pin-programmer/. However, if you misplace the pogo board, you will return to the original point.
I have been using Tag-Connect on all my boards for many years, independent of the architecture. Value for money.
Alternative 1. Pogopins, super cheap. And, if you want to make a test fixture for your circuit board, please copy the circuit board design and add a 1mm hole wherever you need to test points, then install pogo pins on these holes and wire the track to the appropriate Connector.
A very useful alternative 2: If you have a relatively small number of pins, up to about 4 pins in a row, or 2×3, punch holes for 2 mm connectors. A standard 0.1 inch male header will match the hole perfectly, due to the slightly slanted pin for good retention.
Maybe you can try the dual-row Pogo pin connector. Like this. https://www.pogo-pins.com/products/629.html Hope to help you. Andy
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Post time: Nov-24-2021