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The Shenzhen Asian Pet Exhibition and other exhibitions were postponed
From August 27 to 31, nearly 130 new novel coronavirus positive cases have been reported in Shenzhen, and many places...
Complexity of transitioning designs can prevent adoption of USB-C, but the proliferation of single-use AC adapters contributes to e-waste.
When USB-C was introduced in 2014, it was heralded as the ...
JGUANG announced that it has introduced a new series of Flat HDMI cables with JG cable jackets and connector hoods.
IRVINE, Calif., JGUANG, an Infinite Electronics brand and a preferred manufacture...
India is experiencing a new round of CO V ID - 1 9 outbreak. Since April 2 2 , the number of new confirmed cases in India has remained more than 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 , breaking the highest new cases in th...
Speaking of comprehensive wiring, we will naturally think of a lot of knowledge about comprehensive wiring. Of course, there is much knowledge about integrated wiring, and today we will talk about ...
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